Over the last month or two, I’ve been doing less gaming and more painting and hobbying, most notably a 1940 French Infantry Platoon for CoC Blitzkrieg 1940. These are all metal figures from Warlord, which is neat, being my first all metal force. The only down side is some lack of variety. I added a few plastic bits to the models, representing ammo pouches, bags, or a bit of captured German equipment, so I think that can help do the trick. I’ve done the core platoon, but still need to get to the support. I have a medic and a forward observer in the paint queue, and I’d like to add a small anti tank gun, a machine gun, and some French tank (though I haven’t decided which yet).
The 1940 French Platoon
The box of 10 metal Frenchmen |
The only “in progress” picture I took. Woops. |
The two senior leaders
One section, or group de combat
The VB Launcher Team |
The next big addition is that of a Killing Fields Terrain Mat, which I am a huge fan of. Still trying to work out how to get a uniform look from the grass strands as there are still some creases in it, but I really do like it. I was concerned that some of my 28mm all plastic troops wouldn’t stand well, but so far, nothing’s had an issue in it. One tall troll for my Lord of the Rings collection is a bit wobbly, but he’s wobbly on pretty much anything and he too can be made to stand in it. So, huge fan. A wonderful birthday gift from my brothers and sister!
The “Probe Into Fonteney” map setup on the new mat
Some figures set up to test their stability |
Lastly, my wife bought me a bunch of Perry ACW plastics for a Sharp Practice project I’ve wanted to kick off for a long time. I’ve now got a box of Union troops, Confederate troops, and Artillery. With it, I’ve built up 32 line troops, 6 skirmishers, 5 leaders, and 1 gun and its crew for each side. I’ve put them all together, and am now working on their bases. After that, a spray of base coat and paint on after! This is probably the biggest project I’ve done to date, so exciting stuff!
The Perry ACW Plastics |
All the assembled Union and Confederate Forces |
All that said, I’ll be working on these ACW forces for quite some time I suspect. My wife bought me All Will Prosper by Goldmund on vinyl, which is an instrumental album with music from the time period of the Civil War. I’ll be listening to that while painting these guys up! We’ve started our first game in the Operation Martlet PSC, but haven’t finished it yet. Hopefully we’ll be able to, and I can get that report up shortly!
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