Operation Martlet: Cast and Crew
We’ve finished the first couple games of Operation Martlet, and as I was writing up the first report, I realized that I haven’t gone through and introduced the major characters of the two beginning platoons, both British and German. Without further ado, the Scots and the SS:
The 11th Royal Scots Fusiliers, A Company, B Platoon
Lieutenant Andrew Muir: a large fellow of 22 years of age, from the Isle of Skye. He attended a major public school and is well liked by his company commander.
Platoon Sergeant Carson MacKay: a stocky, tough chap, also 22, from the coastal town of Nairn.
Cpl Grayson Reilly, leading 1st Section, is an artistic man, 35 years old from Stirling.
Cpl Ruairi McPhee, in charge of 2nd Section, a giant fellow who worked his father’s farm outside of Dundee, 25 years old.
Cpl Baily Murdoch, in the lead of 3rd Section, a 45 year old prewar regular, having seen the closing action of the last war with Germany, reinlisted at the outset of war. He grew up in Galloway.
The III. Bataillon of 26th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment, 9. Kompanie, 1st Platoon
Oberscharfuhrer Wilhelm Mahler, a large and patriotic man of 22 years, from the ancient city of Hamburg.
Scharfuhrer Yannick Bergmann, leader of first squad, a 21 year old who worked his father’s farm in the town of Augsburg along the river Lech.
Scharfuhrer Hans Schildkraut, in charge of 2nd squad, a former communist from Munich, 27 years old.
Scharfuhrer Christoph Hering, leading 3rd squad, a short 24 year old, a former games keeper from Frankfurt.
So there’s that, the cast and crew for our go at Operation Martlet!
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