Operation Martlet: Cast and Crew Pt 2

 Pressing further into the Caen countryside is a new Brittish platoon within the 49th Infantry Division, 7th Duke of Wellingtons. Holding the farm just south of Fonteney, is 2nd Platoon, 9. Kompanie of the 26th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment. Two fresh platoons are about to go head to head in the open ground to the south:

The 7th Duke of Wellingtons, C Company, A Platoon
Lieutenant James Clavell, a strapping six footer of 26 years of age, from Surrey, England. He worked in a previous life as a civil servant within the local government.
Platoon Sergeant Leslie Buckley, a 27 year old factory worker, from Manchester.
Cpl Charles Holmes, leading 1st Section, is a lanky 26 year old from Glasgow, having served in the army from before the war's start.
Cpl Lawrence Goodman, in charge of 2nd Section, a stout 41 year old farmhand from Bristol.
Cpl Danny Erickson, in the lead of 3rd Section, is a 47 year old communist, having earned is stripes by merit despite his politics, hailing from Fort William.

The III. Bataillon of 26th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment, 9. Kompanie, 2nd Platoon
Oberscharfuhrer Werner Schnatz, a gameskeeper of  26 years, from the edge of the alps at Salzburg.
Scharfuhrer Martin Peppler, leader of first squad, a short and intelligent 25 year old office clerk in the town of Stuttgart.
Scharfuhrer Gottfried Ruel, in charge of 2nd squad, a 23 year old model citizen, having grown up under the influence of the regime in Aachen.
Scharfuhrer Joesph Bergander, leading 3rd squad, a 39 year old former waiter at high class establishment in Delmenhorst.

So there’s the follow on combatants for the duration of the campaign!

