Taking the Gembloux Gap: Blitz on Villeroux II (Table 3, Turn 5)
Seeking a breakthrough, Leutnant Emil Bauer's 2nd Shützen Platoon is pressed to the front to relieve Feldwebel Hintz's battered remains of a platoon. The roadwork behind them finally repaired, a platoon of SdKfz 221 Armored Cars is looking to break through here, where the slower Panzer Is previously could not. The armored car and shützen platoons are supported by an attached Panzer IV and a Stuka bombardment. Lieutenant Garnier and his defending platoon prepare a dug in position for their attached canon de 75mm M1897 to anchor their left flank. They've additionally been supported by a 25mm AT gun for a more mobile defense and some civilian huntsmen that are being utilized to accost the German approach.
Lt. Bauer's patrols push forward, identifying potential French positions in the burnt-out remains of the barn, along the northern flank, and within the tall Belgian townhouses to the north. For themselves, they were able to work out safe routes to both the north and south wood and the country lane to the east.
Prior to pressing forward, Lt. Bauer's patrols report a French 25mm AT gun in the rubble across the road from the café. He elects to deploy his first and third squads under Obergefreiters Krüger and Wahl with Feldwebel Abetz's supervision into the northern wood, hoping to probe the area without the AT gun. If this ground proves clear of anti-tank defenses, this would be a prime avenue for the 221s. The initial Stuka bombardment is fairly effective, causing the three-story townhomes to become unstable, while setting alight the lone building near the north wood.
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The French gun entrenched in the rubble |
The attached Panzer IV rumbles up the road in support of the probing infantry. It's snub barrel 75 ought to be able to deter any infantry from deploying into the buildings along the northern flank. Shielded by the woods, and just as Fw. Abetz's infantry reaches the wood's edge, they spot an entrenched canon de 75mm M1897. Immediately, the cannon opens up on the Boche, killing two outright and peppering Fw. Abetz with shrapnel.
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The 75mm lobs low velocity HE rounds into the woods |
Between the Stuka bombardment, the infantry's return fire, and the panzer getting a shot off, the 75mm cannon crew go to ground. Lieutenant Garnier rushes forward along with Sgt. Monet's squad to support and rally the cannon crew. Under the oppressive German fire, the lieutenant rallies the crew and falls back with the infantry, forming a blocking position behind the rear hedgerows.
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Lt. Garnier and Sgt. Monet form a gunline to protect their northern flank |
Time running against the Germans, and now with both flanks hardened with antitank defenses, Lt. Bauer has a decision to make: where does he commit his final squad and the armored car contingent. The earlier patrols reported the predominance of French activity on the northern side of the field, so the leutnant elects to push hard on the southern flank.
Upon his order, the three SdKfz 221s rush up the road, using the woods to shield them from the 25mm AT gun in the ruined barn. Reaching the woods, they slow in the dense terrain and creep towards the café. Obgfr. Milward takes his squad to the southern woods in support of the 221s.
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The SdKfz 221s advance... |
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...reaching the edge of the woods |
As the armored cars reach the edge of the woods, Milward takes his squad out into the road to engage the 25mm gun. Aware of the armor on their flank, the gun crew keep their heads mostly down, maintaining their overwatch to the south and ignoring the infantry. The cars creep forward, forming a line behind the café, preparing for their final dash. Just before the armored car platoon leader can signal the advance, they become aware of the arrival of French reserves. This position has once again held, and Lt. Bauer's infantry begin to fall back. They'll have to take another crack at it.
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The German high-water mark |
In total, Lt. Bauer's platoon lost two men dead and one to the aid post. His CO is unhappy with his performance, and his men (who already weren't his biggest fans) think now even less of him, especially with the wounding of their feldwebel. His confidence has been clearly shaken, and he's now concerned. Lt. Garnier, across the field, lost no one in the encounter, having been reinforced by the regimental reserves so quickly. His men have regained their positive outlook on their situation, as has his company commander. He continues to feel secure in his situation.
I mistakenly thought that this second attempt at crashing through Villeroux was going to be a walkover. Attempting to probe first with infatntry, -A- blocked my advance with her securely entrenched and supported 75mm cannon. I only released the armored cars once I felt I had located her AT weapons, but at that point it was too late. Time ran out far faster than I thought it would. It was a fun, fast game, and hopefully we'll work it out next time!
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